Did you know winter weeds on your Texas lawn could lead to a poor spring turf? Winter weeds are typically a sign of an unhealthy lawn because only weak and sparse lawns allow room for weeds to germinate. If you do not take care of your turf in the winter and see weeds popping up at the first sign of spring, chances are they were there the entire time!
In the Bryan and College Station areas, homeowners can see a combination of grassy and broadleaf weeds plague their late fall/winter lawns. These annual weeds will cause problems for your spring grass.
The Lifecycle of Annual Winter Weeds & the Most Common Types of Grassy & Broadleaf Weeds.
Annual winter weeds start to germinate in late fall. Then, they grow, flower, drop more seeds and die. The biggest problem with these annual weeds is that they drop seeds that continue to reproduce, which will cause problems for your spring lawn. The best thing to do to get rid of weeds is to take preventative actions using a combination of pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicides.
Grassy Weeds
Grassy weeds branch out rather than grow up through the soil. Some of the most common types of grassy weeds you will find on your Texas winter turf include:
- Bluegrass
- Dallisgrass
- Rescue Grass
Broadleaf Weeds
Broadleaf weeds typically have flowers, broad leaves, and small stems. Some of the most common types of broadleaf weeds you will find in the College Station/Bryan area during the winter include:
- Dandelion
- Clover
- Thistle
- Hairy Bittercress
- Purple Dead Nettle
Using Pre-Emergent & Post-Emergent Herbicide Treatments
A combination of both pre-emergent and post-emergent herbicides will do the trick for getting rid of both broadleaf and grassy weeds on your property. Why do you need to use both? Well, both herbicides are effective towards specific types of weeds and a combination of the two will have your entire lawn covered. Keeping up with your treatments on a regular basis is important as well.
Pre-emergent herbicides are used to attack newly germinated weeds before they are able to take root and spread. Post-emergent herbicides take care of killing already established weeds.
Fertilizing your lawn in the fall is another good way of ensuring that your grass grows stronger and thicker to crowd out weed-growth during the winter months.
Call for an estimate of our regimented weed control treatments.
Greener Lawnscapes, which services the Bryan/College station area, can provide regimented weed control treatments during the winter months to help prevent and kill your grassy and broadleaf weeds. Most treatments are performed in two sessions, one during December and one during January.
These treatments will enable your lawn to have a good start for its spring growing season. A combination of herbicides and fertilizer used throughout all seasons on your Texas turf will keep weeds at bay and strengthen the root system of your grass to crowd out the possibility of weed growth! Give us a call at (979) 204-1996 for an estimate of our weed control treatments.